State of Account

This table displays the basic parameters of your account. You can find the way to work with the table in the Trading page help.

Notions used in the "State of Account" table

Current Equity is your current balance expressed in US dollars, which would be obtained after closing all the positions and converting all the balances into US dollars at current exchange rates. In other words, it is the sum of dollar equivalents of current balances in all currencies.

Free Equity is the equity part not used to maintain open positions. This amount may be withdrawn from the account without closing the positions.
If current leverage exceeds the maximum leverage specified in the trading conditions the free equity becomes negative. This means that no funds can be withdrawn from the account without prior closing or reducing the open positions. The size of the negative free equity shows the amount that must be deposited to the account to return current leverage to the value specified in the trading conditions.

Margin Used is the equity part used to carry the open positions.

Minimum Equity is the admissible minimum of the equity required to maintain open positions. If the current equity falls below the minimum equity, all your positions are forcedly closed and the balances are converted into US dollars.

Minimum Weekend Equity is the admissible minimum of the equity necessary to maintain open positions on weekends. The minimum equity on weekends is usually higher than the minimum equity on weekdays.

Permitted Credit is the amount of permitted credit (admissible negative amount of the current equity) expressed in US dollars. If the the permitted credit value is equal to zero, this line is not displayed. The permitted credit is equal to zero for most accounts, because credit is given to the Client on extraordinary occasions only.

Reserved for Commission is the equity part reserved for the commission fees on the outgoing payments (funds transfers). This line is displayed only if you have in-process payments. Since the commission for an outgoing payment can be changed at the payment execution, the commission is not debited immediately. Instead, the required funds are reserved until the payment is processed. As soon as the payment is executed the reserved funds are debited as a commission fee.

Current Leverage is the ratio of the total open position to the current equity; it shows the intensity of using the equity to maintain open positions. The current leverage may be both higher and lower than the position opening leverage specified in the trading conditions.

Maximum Leverage is the admissible maximum of the current leverage. If the current leverage becomes equal to the maximum leverage or exceeds it, all open positions are forcedly closed and all the rests are converted into US dollars.

Maximum Weekend Leverage is the admissible maximum of the current leverage on weekends. Normally, the maximum leverage on weekends is lower than on weekdays. This means that a larger equity is required to maintain open positions on weekends.

Total Open Position is the sum of open positions, expressed in US dollars, relating to all instruments. The total position is used to determine a current leverage, free equity and minimum equity.

Available Position is the difference between a permitted maximum and a current total open position. A positive value indicates the amount of position that may be additionally opened. A negative value indicates the excess of the current total open position over the maximum position. Under the circumstances, it is recommended to reduce the position, but you are not obliged to follow this recommendation.

Maximum Open Position is the permitted maximum of the total open position for a current equity amount. A trade which leads to the excess of the total open position over the maximum position will be denied.

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