Account Statement

This report displays all transfers on your account and the balance after each transfer. The report includes one or more tables in accordance with specified filter parameters. Each table displays chronologically arranged accounting transactions for one of the currencies. The filter serves to specify a required range of value dates and a grouping type and to select one or all currencies.

Description of the filter fields

Value from, to serve to customize the value date range for drawing up a report. If the Value date from field is blank, the report will display all accounting transactions starting from the account registration date. If the To field is blank, the upper value of the date will not be limited. You can use a drop-down calendar to fill in the dates. The calendar is displayed when you focus or click on the field.

You can also specify the date manually; the calendar will hide in this case. The dates should be specified according to the format selected in the TradeRoom preferences. It is not recommended to specify too wide a range of dates since it may cause a prolonged loading of the report. By default the report includes all the accounting transactions starting from the Tom value date.

Group by serves to select the information detail level for drawing up the report. The dropdown list offers the following alternatives – grouping by deal, by day, by week, and by month.

When grouping by deal, each line of the report displays changes in the state of the account caused by a single deal. Clicking on a deal opens the Deal Details page containing full information on a selected deal.

When grouping by day, week or month, each line of the report reflects the summary change which occurred in the state of the account during a day, week or month, respectively.

Currency serves to select the transactions to be included in the report, with regards to all currencies or only to the currency you specify. The dropdown list contains currencies of transactions executed on your account.

OK – press it to make up a report according to the parameters specified in the filter.

Definitions used in the report

Period shows the range of value dates included in the report for a corresponding currency. The report period is specified in the Value from and To filter fields.

Currency shows the currency reported in a corresponding table. One or all currencies may be selected in the Currency filter field.

Description offers basic information on a corresponding accounting transaction. When grouped by deals, the transaction description contains the deal parameters; to see the detailed information on the deal click on the row with the required deal to be re-directed to the Deal Details page.

Value date is the date of currency payment. Each deal has two dates: the trade date and the value date. This report employs the value date which is usually two business days after the trade.

Amount shows the amount of the accounting transaction in a given currency or the total amount for a day, week, or month depending on the grouping selected in the filter. A positive amount means receipt, a negative one means withdrawal.

Balance shows the balance for a given currency after the accounting transaction or for the end of the day, week, month, if a corresponding grouping is selected. A positive balance means that there is a corresponding sum on your account; a negative balance means that the you were credited with this sum.

Incoming balance is the balance for a given currency before the beginning of the reported period. The beginning of the reported period is specified in the Value from filter field.

Outgoing balance is the balance for a given currency at the end of the accounting period. The end of the period is specified in the To filter field.

Day's total shows the final total for all transfers executed in a given currency during a day.

Week's total shows the final total for all transfers executed in a given currency during a week.

Month's total shows the final total for all transfers executed in a given currency during a month.

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