Incoming Payments List

This report monitors all incoming payments made to your TradeRoom account. The payments are arranged chronologically. The filter allows setting a required range of dates, selecting one or all currencies, and setting a required payment status.

You can sort the data as you need it. Just click on the header of the column desired. The second click on the same column sorts the values in descending order.

The report displays only the most important information about the payment. To find the full information, click on the row with the payment of your interest. You will get to the notification details. In case when the payment was made with no notification you will get to the Deal Details page.

A credit of funds does not necessarily correspond to the notification of the incoming payment. For example, if you create a notification, but do not make the payment, there will be no funds credited.
To see the precise information on the executed incoming payments, select the filter status Executed, or go to the Deals List report.

Description of the filter fields

Date from, to allow you to specify the period of the payments you want to be included in the report. If the Date from field is blank, the report will include payments starting from the account registration date. If the Date to field is blank, the upper value of the date will not be limited. You can use a drop-down calendar to fill in the dates. The calendar is displayed when you focus or click on the field.

You can also specify the date manually; the calendar will hide in this case. The dates should be specified according to the format selected in the TradeRoom preferences. You are not recommended to specify a too wide range of dates since it may cause a prolonged loading of the report. By default the report includes all the payments starting from the first unprocessed one. If there are no unprocessed notifications, the report includes the payments for the current date.

Currency serves to select the payments to be included in the report, with regards to all currencies, or only to the currency you specify.

Status serves to select the payments to be included in the report, either all of them or just payments with a certain status. When the Pending status is selected, the date and the currency filters are ignored, i.e., all the unprocessed notifications are displayed.

خت – press it to make up a report according to the parameters specified in the filter.

Definitions used in the report

Date the date and time of the notification placement or of the funds crediting if the payment was made without a notification. If the payment is executed within the current day, only time is displayed; if it is executed on some other day, it is only the date which is displayed.

Amount, Currency is the payment amount and the currency.

Sender means the payer's name and bank.

Status means the payment status (pending, executed, rejected).

Number is the number of the payment (either the deal or the notification).

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