Selecting the default language of the user interface

The TradeRoom system can display the information and the user interface in different languages. At present, English and Russian are available.

Note: the methods of selecting a language described further refer only to the language you see the TradeRoom system in before you log on to your account. After the logon, the system always uses the language set in your account preferences.

When opening the TradeRoom system, the display language is set automatically according to your browser settings. If you do not want to have the automatically set language, you can change the one you prefer in your browser settings, or select the language you want manually from among those available. After the language is changed in the browser preferences, TradeRoom will always use it at opening the system page. When set manually, the selected language is used just until the TradeRoom window is closed; at the next opening, the language will be selected automatically once again.

To change your preferred browser language, go to the browser settings, add the required language to the list of the languages if it is not there yet, and make sure this language is the first in the list. For the detailed information on changing your browser language preferences please see your browser online help.

To select the required language manually, use the icon in the top bar of the TradeRoom menu displayed before your log on to the system.

You can also open the TradeRoom system in the required language by just going to the corresponding address:
The Russian version is at:
The English version is at:

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