Forex News

This table allows you viewing the current Forex news issued by the Forexite company and other providers.

By default, the fresh news is in the top of the list, but you can change the sorting by clicking on the heading of the table column you need. If there is unread news, the news tab is displayed with an asterisk (*).

The time of the unread news is displayed in bold. The important news is highlighted. There is news which consists only of the title. The titles of such news begin with the asterisk (*).

Click on the news to view the full text. A floating window with the news content will appear, and the news will be immediately marked as read. To close the full text of the news, just click anywhere outside the news window or on the x marker in its header.

Note. The full text of the news from the external sources is available only for the active (with a positive balance) real accounts. As for the virtual and the inactive real accounts, the headlines of these news are available only, with a 30 minutes' delay.

The news can be filtered by importance, by source and topic. The current filter mode is displayed in the news table header. Clicking on the mode name calls a context menu which allows you to change the filter or perform the other actions, i.e. to reset to the standard sorting, or refresh the data.

You can select the Important only item to view the important news only. When the option is enabled, there is a check mark by it, and the table shows the important news only. A repeated clicking on this item will disable the important news filter, and the table will show all the news again.

Click on the Select topics... item to view the news related to the specific themes. You will see the Select news dialog box with a list of the news sources and themes.

To deactivate the topic or the news source you don't need, disable the proper option. Press the OK button below the topics list to apply the settings. Press the Cancel button to close the dialog box with no changes.

Initially, the list contains as much news as it can fit one page. However, you can see the older news by clicking on the Show older news hyperlink below the news list. The list size will increase downloaded with another page with the news. You can download the preceding news as many times as you need. You can restore the initial size of the list by clicking on the Hide old news hyperlink which appears below the list after the download of the additional pages.

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