Real Account Registration

The real account registration procedure includes two or three simple steps depending on who registers an account – a natural person or a legal entity. For a legal entity, it is necessary to submit information about the company; for a person, this step is absent. To proceed to the next step, press the Continue button; to return to the previous step, press the Back button; to reject registration, press Cancel. The required fields are highlighted in red.

Sequence of steps for natural person registration

  1. Personal Data
  2. User Name

Sequence of steps for company registration

  1. Personal Data
  2. Company Data
  3. User Name

Description of steps

Personal Data – entering the data about a natural person – account holder or authorized to manage the account. For the description of the form fields and the information on filling them in, see the Personal Data help section.

Company Data – entering the company – account holder data. The system skips this step if you have selected the natural person as an account holder in the previous step. For the description of the form fields and the information on filling them in, see the Company Data help section.

User Name – selecting a user name and a password for logging into the system. The user name is selected once and cannot be changed in the future.

You should also agree with the conditions of the agreement on margin trading in this step. The agreement text is available through the hyperlink on this page. The agreement contains the account number reserved for you. For more details, see the Selecting a User Name and a Password help page.

After you complete this step you will get to the Account registration is complete page with the confirmation of the successful registration of the real account.

Trading operations on real accounts are available only after your registration information is verified. You will be informed about the verification completion by an e-mail message sent to the address submitted at the registration.

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