To open a virtual (demo) account in TradeRoom, you can just sign in via a social network, or register it in the system.
The virtual account registration procedure includes two simple steps. To proceed to the next step press the Continue button, to return to the previous step press the Back button, to reject registration press Cancel. The required fields are highlighted in color.
Personal Data – entering the data about the account holder. For the description of the form fields and the information about filling them in, see the Personal Data help section.
User Name – selecting a user name and a password for logging into the system. The user name is selected once and cannot be changed in the future.
You should also agree with the terms and conditions of the virtual trading in this step. There is a hyperlink to view these rules on this page. For more detailed information, see the Selecting a User Name and a Password help section.
After you complete this step you will get to the Account registration is complete page with the confirmation of the successful registration of the virtual account. To return to the system logon page press Exit.
The virtual account trading conditions fully conform to the trading conditions on the real account – the same quotes, spreads, and order execution procedures are used.