Account Funding

This page describes how to fund a TradeRoom account, how to select a payment method and depending on the selection made, to deposit funds into the account at once or to obtain the banking details for a deposit transfer. Some payment methods require sending a notification on the account funding to the company to hasten the payment processing.

There is a brief instruction on the account funding at the top of the page.

The more detailed instructions and the banking details for the payment by the method selected are at the bottom of the page. If the information is minimized to a row, click near it to see the whole text. A second click minimizes the text. The banking details and the instructions differ for different payments, so it is important to select the right method and currency.

All this information is also available on the virtual accounts, for studying and practicing.

Virtual accounts

You do not need real money when you work with a virtual account. Just select the payment method and the currency, enter the desired amount and click the Submit button; the amount specified will be credited to your account immediately. So, you can fund your virtual account all by yourself at any time.

Real accounts

The real account funding depends on the selected payment method.

In some cases, your account is funded automatically, in other ones you have to send us a notification of the payment made to hasten the account funding.

You can fund your account by credit card 1, 2, 3 or through the electronic wallets 3 seated at your computer. When you select either of these payment methods and press the Submit button, you get to the payment system page where you need to specify your bank card or your wallet details, and confirm the payment. Your account is credited automatically as soon as the money gets to our account. Usually, it doesn't take much time, just a few minutes. You don't need to send us a notification of the payment.

If there is a Notification of incoming payment caption running above the payment data, it means you need to make a payment according to the details shown at the bottom of the page, and then fill in the payment data and send the notification. In this case, the funding of the account consists of three steps:

  1. Obtaining banking details for the payment. To get them, just select the payment method and the currency. The banking details for this kind of payment will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
  2. Payment according to the banking details. The payments are made through the banking or other payment institutions. E.g., in case of a bank transfer you have to place the payment order with your bank; in case of a WebMoney payment you will have to arrange the transfer in the WebMoney system, and so on.
  3. Notification of the account funding. It is sent to the Forexite company after you transfer the deposit. To send it, go back to the Account Funding page, select the payment method you have used, and specify the currency and amount. Notifications speed up the payment processing, and the funds crediting to your account in the TradeRoom system.


  1. We neither receive nor store your credit card details. They are transmitted only to the partner payment system, which ensures the payment receipt.
  2. If your card is issued in the currency other than accepted by the payment system, any your payments will be automatically converted when debited from your account.
  3. Some payment systems require the additional payer's information to perform a payment, such as e-mail address, full name, or billing address. By pressing the Submit button, you agree to share your personal data with the payment system.

Fields for making a payment

The fields obligatory for filling in are highlighted in color.

Payment method – select the method you want to transfer the security deposit to your account with. The list contains all funding methods available in the TradeRoom system.

Currency – select the currency you can transfer the security deposit in. The list contains only the currencies available for the payment method selected.

Amount is the amount of the payment. Please keep to the format you have specified in the TradeRoom settings when entering the amount; thousand separators are optional.

These three fields are always compulsory, not depending on the payment method selected and the account type.

Additional fields for sending a funding notification

Additional fields can appear on the page if a funding notification is required for the payment method selected.

Additional info for Forexite – fill in the field when you need to tell us any extra information about the payment.

There can be extra fields for some payment methods (for bank wire transfers, in particular):

Sender's name is the name of the company or the full name of the person who has transferred the payment and who is specified in the payment order as the payer. The name of this field can be different since we use for each payment method the name used in this very payment system. The field automatically contains the name of the account owner (for individuals) or the name of the company (for legal persons). You can change the data, but you should bear in mind that third party payments are not accepted.

Sender's bank is the name of the bank you make the payment from. This field is displayed for the bank transfers only. If it is your repeated payment, the field will contain the name of the bank that you used last time.

If you have made payments from this bank before, you can quickly fill in the notification with the previous data. To do that, find the notification you want to use as a template in the incoming payments list (Incoming Payments section in the Payments menu), open it and click the New notification button in it. You will be redirected to the Account Funding page filled in with the template notification data. It is particularly convenient if you use multiple payment methods for the account funding.

Submit – by clicking the button on the virtual account, you credit the account with the amount specified. When clicking the button on a real account, depending on the payment method selected, you either open the payment page in our partner payment system or send the filled in notification of the account funding to the Forexite company.

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